Rubber and plastics manufacturing is a significant industry that shapes various sectors. From automotive to healthcare, these materials have revolutionized modern manufacturing. Among the various processes, urethane casting stands out as a crucial technique in manufacturing. It offers precision, durability, and versatility, making it an integral part of the production process.

Additionally, composite materials play a vital role in rubber and plastics manufacturing, offering a range of benefits such as increased strength, enhanced performance, and improved design flexibility. Understanding the importance of urethane casting and composite materials is key to unlocking the full potential of this industry.

At Uniflex, Inc., we specialize in urethane casting, a precise and versatile process that allows for the creation of high-quality, custom-molded parts. Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled team enable us to deliver exceptional precision, durability, and design flexibility in every casting project. Whether you need complex components for automotive applications or intricate parts for healthcare devices, we have the capabilities to bring your vision to life.

To discover how Uniflex, Inc. can enhance your manufacturing capabilities, we encourage you to visit our website or contact us at 248-486-6000.

Urethane Casting: Precision and Durability

Urethane Casting: Precision and Durability

Urethane casting is a process that involves pouring liquid polyurethane into a silicone mold, allowing it to solidify into a durable and flexible component. This technique offers exceptional precision, making it ideal for producing complex shapes and intricate details. Urethane casting is widely used in industries where precision is crucial, such as automotive, electronics, and aerospace. Its ability to replicate intricate designs with accuracy sets urethane casting apart from other manufacturing processes.

One of the remarkable properties of molded urethane is its abrasion resistance. Urethane components are incredibly tough and can withstand demanding environments, making them suitable for applications where wear and tear are significant concerns. Additionally, urethane possesses excellent tear resistance, ensuring the longevity of the cast components. Whether it’s a heavy-duty conveyor belt or a high-impact industrial gear, molded urethane provides the durability needed to withstand rigorous conditions.

Furthermore, cast urethane exhibits remarkable mechanical and heat resistance properties. It can withstand high temperatures without sacrificing its structural integrity, making it an excellent choice for applications exposed to extreme heat. The ability of urethane to maintain its shape and performance in challenging environments ensures the reliability and longevity of the manufactured components.

👉Also read: Urethane Parts In The Automotive Industry

Silicone Mold: A Key Component in Urethane Molding

Silicone molds play a crucial role in the urethane molding process. They act as the mold cavity where liquid polyurethane is poured and solidified into the desired shape. Silicone molds offer several advantages in achieving custom sizes and shapes. Their flexibility and durability allow for intricate designs and fine details to be accurately reproduced. This versatility enables manufacturers to cater to specific requirements and create unique components.

In addition to customization, silicone molds also contribute to fast delivery and low-volume production. The ease of creating silicone molds reduces the setup time and cost associated with traditional mold-making processes. This allows for rapid prototyping and quick turnaround times, making silicone molds an ideal choice for fast-paced industries and small-batch productions. The combination of customizability and efficiency makes silicone molds an invaluable component in the urethane molding process.

Injection Molding: Efficiency and Versatility in Manufacturing

injection molding

Injection molding is another widely adopted technique in rubber and plastics manufacturing. It involves injecting molten urethane into a mold, where it solidifies and takes the desired shape. This method is highly efficient, allowing for large-scale production and consistent part quality. Injection-molded urethane components possess excellent impact resistance, making them ideal for applications that require strength and durability.

Urethane exhibits exceptional oil resistance, making it a preferred choice for automotive and industrial applications where contact with lubricants or hydraulic fluids is common. The ability of urethane to withstand oil exposure without compromising its structural integrity ensures the longevity and reliability of the components.

Cast Urethane: Meeting Diverse Manufacturing Needs

Cast urethane offers a vast array of material options and standard colors, enabling manufacturers to meet diverse application requirements. From soft and flexible materials to rigid and tough ones, cast urethane covers a wide hardness range, providing options for various industries. Additionally, cast urethane exhibits excellent resistance to chemicals, solvents, and UV radiation, making it suitable for applications that require resistance to harsh environments.

The versatility of cast urethane is further highlighted by its use in medical devices. Medical-grade urethane components offer exceptional biocompatibility and can be easily sterilized, making them suitable for a wide range of medical applications. From prosthetics to surgical instruments, urethane plays a crucial role in improving patient care and quality of life.

👉Also read: 10 Facts About Food Grade Urethane

Mechanical Properties and Customization: Tailoring Urethane Components.

Urethane materials possess outstanding mechanical properties, making them an ideal choice for demanding applications. With a wide range of hardness options, urethane components can be tailored to meet specific requirements, whether it’s providing cushioning and shock absorption or imparting rigidity and strength. The toughness of urethane allows it to withstand heavy loads and impacts without deformation or failure.

Moreover, urethane molding enables manufacturers to produce custom sizes and shapes with ease. This flexibility allows for the creation of unique and intricate designs, meeting the precise needs of customers. Whether it’s a specialized seal or a complex industrial part, urethane molding ensures that the components fit perfectly into their intended applications.

Surface Finishing and Machining: Enhancing Urethane Components

To achieve the desired tolerances and surface quality, urethane components often require machining and finishing processes. Machining involves removing excess material to achieve precise dimensions, while polishing enhances the aesthetic appeal and smoothness of the component’s surface. These processes ensure that urethane components meet the exact specifications required for their intended applications.

Urethane has excellent bonding properties with other materials, including steel and various plastics. This compatibility allows for the creation of hybrid components that combine the unique properties of different materials. By bonding urethane with other materials, manufacturers can achieve optimal performance and functionality in their products.

Urethane vs. Other Materials: Comparing Strengths and Applications

When it comes to hardness and toughness, urethane outshines materials like rubber, plastic, and even metal. Urethane offers a unique combination of strength and flexibility, making it ideal for applications that require both durability and impact resistance. Additionally, urethane exhibits remarkable resistance to solvents and pressure, ensuring its longevity and reliability in demanding environments.

  • Urethane offers advantages over polycarbonate, such as superior chemical resistance and flexibility.
  • While polyethylene has better chemical resistance, urethane outperforms it in terms of toughness and mechanical properties.
  • Urethane strikes a balance between polycarbonate and polyethylene, making it a versatile choice for various applications.
  • It provides a combination of strength, flexibility, and resistance to meet diverse requirements.
  • Urethane’s unique properties make it suitable for industries where chemical resistance, toughness, and mechanical performance are essential.

Urethane’s exceptional properties, including hardness, toughness, resistance to solvents, and pressure, make it a preferred material over rubber, plastic, and metal. Its versatility and adaptability in different environments make it a go-to choice for manufacturers seeking reliable and high-performing components.

Casting Process: Precision and Reliability in Urethane Manufacturing

high performance urethane parts

The casting process is central to urethane manufacturing, enabling manufacturers to create components with exceptional precision and reliability. The liquid polyurethane is poured into a mold, where it solidifies and takes the desired shape. This process ensures consistent part quality and repeatability, allowing for large-scale production without compromising precision.

Polyurethane casting offers excellent quality and flexibility. The ability to fine-tune the material properties during the casting process enables manufacturers to meet specific performance requirements. From hardness and flexibility to chemical resistance and thermal stability, urethane casting provides the means to create components that excel in their intended applications.

The Power of Urethane in Rubber and Plastics Manufacturing

Urethane casting has revolutionized the manufacturing landscape by offering precision, durability, and versatility in the production of rubber and plastic components. From the flexibility of silicone molds to the efficiency of injection molding, urethane has become a go-to material for manufacturers across various industries. Its mechanical properties, customization options, and surface finishing capabilities make urethane an excellent choice for applications that demand strength, durability, and precision.

With its wide range of applications and industries, urethane continues to unlock new possibilities in manufacturing. Whether it’s automotive, healthcare, or consumer goods, urethane components have proven their worth in delivering exceptional performance and reliability. As technology and innovation continue to advance, we encourage customers to explore the vast array of applications where urethane can excel, and embrace the power of this remarkable material in their manufacturing processes.

👉Also read: Urethane Sheets And Industrial Applications

Unleash the Power of Urethane Casting with Uniflex, Inc.

Are you ready to harness the full potential of urethane casting in your manufacturing processes? Look no further than Uniflex, Inc., your trusted partner in revolutionizing the rubber and plastics industry. With our expertise in urethane casting, we offer precision, durability, and versatility in the production of custom-molded components.

Are you eager to tap into the incredible potential of urethane casting? Take the first step by exploring our website or contacting our experienced team at 248-486-6000. At Uniflex, Inc., we are dedicated to enhancing your manufacturing capabilities. Trust us to be your reliable partner in revolutionizing the rubber and plastics industry through our commitment to precision, durability, and innovative solutions. Together, we can unlock endless possibilities and pave the way for unparalleled success in all your manufacturing endeavors.

Urethane elastomers possess unique characteristics that set them apart in the world of materials. Their definition and key properties, such as excellent flexibility and durability, establish them as a sought-after choice. Custom molding plays a crucial role in the production of urethane elastomers, allowing for tailored solutions that meet specific application requirements. The blog’s focus centers around enhancing the durability and flexibility of urethane elastomers, highlighting their significance and potential in various industries.

Are you in need of high-quality custom-molded urethanes, elastomeric polyurethane, and rubber at competitive prices? Look no further than Uniflex, Inc.! With over four decades of expertise in the industry, we have established ourselves as a trusted supplier to a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, robotics, military, oil, gas, mining, and marine. Visit our website or reach out to our knowledgeable team at 248-486-6000 to discuss your specific requirements and receive a personalized quote.

👉Also read: The Top 4 Industries That Benefit From Custom Polyurethane Products

Understanding Urethane Elastomers and Their Properties

Urethane elastomers stand out when compared to conventional elastomers and plastics due to their unique combination of properties. While conventional elastomers offer flexibility and plastics provide rigidity, urethane elastomers offer a balance of both. This versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries.

One of the key properties of urethane elastomers is their exceptional abrasion resistance. They can withstand wear and tear, making them ideal for applications exposed to harsh conditions, such as industrial machinery components or conveyor belts. Additionally, urethane elastomers exhibit high tear strength, ensuring their longevity even under heavy loads or frequent stretching.

Another significant advantage of urethane elastomers is their resistance to microbial attacks. This property makes them suitable for applications where hygiene and cleanliness are crucial, such as medical equipment or food processing machinery. The resistance to microbial growth helps maintain a sterile environment and prevents contamination.

The Chemistry Behind Urethane Elastomer

Urethane elastomers are formed through a process called urethane polymerization. This process involves the reaction between long-chain polyols and isocyanate compounds. The combination of these two components results in the formation of a cross-linked network, creating the elastomeric properties of urethane.

Varying the formulation of urethane elastomers can have a significant impact on their material properties. By adjusting the ratio of polyols and isocyanates, manufacturers can modify the hardness, flexibility, and other characteristics of the elastomers to meet specific application requirements. This customization allows for tailored solutions that address the unique needs of different industries.

In addition to their performance properties, the environmental friendliness of urethane elastomer is also a significant aspect. Many urethane elastomers are formulated to be free of hazardous substances and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making them safer for both users and the environment. This aligns with the growing demand for sustainable materials and reinforces urethane elastomer as a responsible choice in various applications.

👉Also read: Find The Best Customized Urethane Products — Shop Uniflex

Custom Molded Urethane Elastomers: Manufacturing Process

manufacturing process of urethane elastomer

The manufacturing process of custom-molded urethane elastomers involves carefully controlling the molding parameters to achieve the desired properties. Varying the hardness and elasticity of the elastomers is crucial for specific applications. By adjusting the formulation and curing process, manufacturers can create urethane elastomers with the ideal balance of hardness and flexibility, tailored to meet the unique requirements of each application. Additionally, the viscosity of the material plays a vital role in the molding process. Optimal viscosity ensures that the material flows evenly into the mold, allowing for the creation of precise and durable components.

Advantages of Custom Molded Urethane Elastomers

Custom-molded urethane elastomers offer a range of advantages over conventional elastomers. One of the key benefits is their enhanced durability and flexibility. These elastomers can withstand demanding conditions and maintain their performance over an extended period, making them ideal for applications where longevity is crucial. Additionally, custom molded urethane elastomers exhibit excellent flexibility, allowing them to adapt to different shapes and movements without compromising their integrity.

Another advantage is their high-pressure resistance, which makes them well-suited for use in demanding industrial settings. Urethane elastomers can withstand extreme pressures without deformation or failure, ensuring their reliability in critical applications. This high-pressure resistance opens up opportunities for their utilization in industries such as hydraulics, pneumatics, and heavy machinery.

The versatility of urethane elastomers is another significant advantage. By tailoring the formulations, manufacturers can create elastomers with specific properties to meet the unique requirements of various industries. This versatility enables their application in the automotive and aerospace industries for components like seals, gaskets, and suspension systems. They are also used in oil and gas applications for sealing systems and downhole tools. Additionally, urethane elastomers find use in industrial machinery and manufacturing components such as rollers, bushings, and wear-resistant parts.

Applications and Industries Using Urethane Elastomers

Urethane elastomers have found extensive use in a variety of industries due to their exceptional properties and versatility. In the automotive industry, they are utilized in applications ranging from engine mounts to weatherstripping, where their durability, flexibility, and resistance to oil and chemicals are highly valued. The aerospace industry also relies on urethane elastomers for components like seals and vibration dampeners, benefiting from their ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions and extreme temperatures.

In the oil and gas industry, urethane elastomers find application in seals, packers, and other downhole tools. Their resistance to chemicals, oils, and high pressures makes them suitable for challenging environments. Additionally, urethane elastomers play a significant role in industrial machinery and manufacturing components, providing excellent wear resistance and durability in applications such as rollers, couplings, and bushings.

These examples demonstrate the wide range of industries and applications that benefit from the unique properties of urethane elastomers. Their ability to enhance performance and reliability in demanding conditions solidifies their position as a preferred choice for numerous industries seeking durable and flexible solutions.

Ensuring Safety and Environmental Benefits

Custom-molded urethane elastomers offer safety and environmental benefits. They have low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), reducing potential harm to users and the environment. Furthermore, their resistance properties help minimize the risk of oil and chemical leaks, promoting a safer working environment. Exploring the environmentally friendly aspects of urethane elastomers further highlights their sustainability advantages, making them a responsible choice for various applications.

Future Trends and Advancements in Urethane Elastomers

The future of urethane elastomers looks promising, with ongoing innovations in custom molding techniques and equipment. Advancements in these areas are expected to further improve the overall performance and durability of urethane elastomers.

Additionally, exploring the potential of urethane elastomers in new industries opens up opportunities for their application in previously untapped markets. These advancements and trends will contribute to the continued growth and development of urethane elastomers as a versatile and high-performing material.

👉Also read: How Urethane Products Are Revolutionizing The Robotics Industry

Uniflex, Inc.: Your Trusted Partner for Custom-Molded Urethane Elastomers

At Uniflex, Inc., we understand the importance of reliability, performance, and cost-effectiveness in your projects. Our team of skilled professionals excels in the art of custom molding, utilizing cutting-edge techniques and equipment to create urethane elastomers that exhibit unmatched durability and flexibility. By working closely with you, we ensure that every aspect of the molding process is precisely tailored to your requirements, resulting in high-quality, custom-molded parts that exceed your expectations.

As your trusted partner, we take pride in offering comprehensive solutions under one roof. From design and machining to manufacturing, we handle every step of the process with meticulous attention to detail. This integrated approach not only ensures superior quality control but also allows us to streamline production, reducing lead times and keeping costs competitive.

To explore how our custom-molded urethane elastomers can meet your specific requirements, we invite you to visit our website or reach out to our knowledgeable team at 248-486-6000. We are ready to discuss and address your needs for enhanced durability and flexibility in your applications.

Engineers in the rubber and plastics industries are required to measure the hardness of rubber, plastic, and other materials. This is to understand the mechanical specifications of materials or prospective materials that are used to produce products. By using a shore hardness tester (shore durometer) or digital durometer, engineers can tell how well a material will perform under specific conditions.

With how significant they are, durometer hardness tests must be performed and recorded accurately. In this article, we will talk about everything that product teams and engineers need to know about durometer testing.

What is a Durometer?

In industrial settings, a durometer is used to measure a material’s hardness, including rubber, plastic, and foam. It’s important that companies can accurately determine the hardness of these materials to ensure their products meet safety standards and regulations. This is to ensure that products are not too hard, which can lead to damage or injury, or too soft and unable to perform the required functions.

What is a Durometer Used For?

As mentioned, there are several materials that a durometer is used to measure. The most common applications are those involving rubber, plastic, and foam.

  • Rubber: This can be anything from car ties, shoe heels, and seat belts to hoses, seals, and gaskets. Under ISO 7619-1:2010, a specific method is used to determine the indentation hardness of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers.
  • Plastics: Durometers are also used for measuring the hardness of rigid plastics such as polypropylene, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). It is necessary to measure the hardness of these materials to determine their suitability for particular applications.
  • Foam: The hardness of foam materials is often measured with a shore durometer. This can help companies determine the best material for products such as cushioning, car seats, and mattresses.

Other non-rubber, non-plastic materials are also tested with durometers, such as wood and paper. In addition to understanding their mechanical properties, it’s often necessary to measure the flatness of these materials as well.

Different Shore Hardness Scales

A hardness scale, or durometer scale, is used to assign numerical values to the materials that are being tested. The most common durometer shore hardness scales are Shore 00, Shore A, and Shore D. All these different shore hardness scales measure the same thing but use different ranges to determine the material hardness.

  • Shore 00 Hardness Scale: In hardness testing, Shore 00 hardness test is used to measure rubbers and gels that are very soft. This is typically used for materials that are too soft to be tested on the Shore A or D scale, and it measures a maximum of 100.
  • Shore A Hardness Scale: The Shore A scale is the most commonly used durometer. This durometer measures rubber, soft plastics, and other materials with a hardness range of 0-100. Semi-rigid plastics can also be measured using the same durometer scale.
  • Shore D Hardness Scale: Measuring the hardness of semi-rigid plastics, hard plastics, and hard rubbers is done using the Shore D durometer scale. It has a hardness range of 0-100 and is used for materials that are harder than what the Shore A durometer can measure.

By accurately measuring indentation hardness or the initial hardness of a material, engineers can make sure that their products meet the necessary safety and performance requirements. Regardless of the different hardness scales, having a durometer as part of your process will help ensure that products are designed, produced, and tested to meet specific standards.

How to Physically Measure a Material’s Hardness

Hardness measurements can also be performed manually. By using a Shore Hardness Gauge — a piece of equipment that looks like a round tire pressure gauge with a needle on a spring protruding from one end — engineers can manually measure the hardness of a material by pressing it against the surface. Once pressed, the needle will penetrate the surface and deflect until the material’s hardness is measured. A specific hardness measurement will be shown on the gauge’s dial.

How Does a Durometer Work?

Under different international standards, there are many different methods used to measure the hardness of materials. Under ASTM D2240 standard test method for rubber property, twelve types of rubber hardness measurement devices are used. This includes A, B, C, D, DO, E, O, OO, and, OOO. Using a standardized presser footer, the durometer is pressed onto the material and a reading is taken.

If a timed hardness is required, a digital durometer is used to press the material and measure the hardness. In this case, the hardness of the material is measured over a specific duration instead of just one time. Unlike the usual measurement, the material under the timed hardness test should have a minimum of 6.4mm thickness.

How Durometer Influences Material Selection

If you are involved in manufacturing, selecting the right materials is an important part of the product design process. Knowing the specific properties of a material and its durometer hardness can help inform which material works best for your application.

Using a durometer to measure a material’s hardness will give you an accurate view of how the material behaves under different conditions. This information allows you to compare materials and select the best option for your product.

For a better perspective, here are some of the ways durometer hardness affects material selection.

Durometer Hardness Indicates How Elastic a Material is

The durometer scale is a measure of the hardness of a material, with higher numbers indicating a harder material and lower numbers indicating a softer material. Elasticity is a measure of how much a material can stretch or deform under a load and then return to its original shape when the load is removed. Materials with higher durometer hardness are generally less elastic and more rigid, while materials with lower durometer hardness are more elastic and more flexible.

Hardness Affects Abrasion Resistance and Wearability

Abrasion resistance is the ability of a material to resist wear or damage caused by friction or rubbing. Materials with moderate durometer hardness (around 85A) generally have better abrasion resistance, as they are more resistant to deformation and wear. This makes them more suitable for use in applications where they may be subjected to high levels of friction, such as in the soles of shoes or on conveyor belts.

Material Hardness Determines How Much Force is Required to Deform it

The amount of force required to deform a material is known as its tensile strength. Materials with higher durometer hardness generally have higher tensile strength, meaning they are more resistant to deformation and require more force to stretch or bend them. This is important in applications where the material may be subjected to heavy loads or impacts, as it determines the material’s ability to withstand these forces without breaking or failing.

Durometer Data Can Help Determine the Safety and Performance of a Product

Durometer hardness is an important factor to consider when selecting materials for a product, as it can have a significant impact on the safety and performance of the product. For example, a material with higher durometer hardness may be more suitable for use in a structural component, as it will be able to withstand higher loads without deforming.

On the other hand, a material with lower durometer hardness may be more suitable for use in a gasket or seal, as it will be able to conform to irregular surfaces and provide a better seal.

Hardness Affects Mechanical Shock Resistance, Compression Set, Temperature Range, and More

In addition to the factors mentioned above, durometer hardness can also affect a material’s resistance to mechanical shock, its ability to maintain its shape under a load (known as compression set), and its temperature range. Materials with higher durometer hardness generally have better mechanical shock resistance, lower compression set, and wider temperature range, making them more suitable for use in demanding applications.

The Bottom Line

A durometer is useful to measure the hardness of a material, and it can tell us a lot about its properties and suitability for various applications, especially for rubbers and urethanes. Knowing the durometer of a material can help determine its ability to withstand friction, compression modulus measurements (for rubber), deformation, impacts, and temperature and mechanical shock resistance.

If you need custom urethane or rubber components, Uniflex Inc. can provide you with high-quality, economical custom molded parts that are sure to meet your needs. With over 40 years of experience in the industry and an ability to design, machine, and manufacture all under one roof, our team is ready to help you get the parts you need quickly and efficiently.

Call us today at (248) 486-6000 or send us an email at to get started with a free quote!

Winter is here. It’s time for multiple layers, hot chocolate, and, most importantly, moving ice and snow from various surfaces. For this task, you’ll use your snow plows to clear out packed ice or snow from your parkways and driveways. However, when was the last time you checked the snow plow cutting edges?

Snow plows with steel cutting edges or rubber edges may get the job done, but we’d like to propose a more cost-effective, durable, and noiseless alternative — polyurethane cutting edges.

With urethane-cutting edges mounted on your snow plow, grinding noises and surface damage will be things of the past. Most importantly, polyurethane cutting edges are more cost-effective than they appear, as they’re resilient to the wear and tear brought by the cold months. Look no further if you’re looking at cutting edges for snow pushers or plows that address many of your winter pain points. Choose polyurethane cutting edges instead of rubber or metal cutting edges.

Why? Grab a warm beverage, put away your shovel and salt, and read on.

What is a Polyurethane Plow Edge?

A polyurethane cutting edge is part of a snow plow cutting edge system. It’s an accessory mounted at the base of a plow’s steel cutting edge.

Polyurethane edges attach to a snow plow’s default edges in several ways, depending on their mounting instructions. The most common attachment method is by bolting the polyurethane edges on drill holes.

Using this method, a person attaching the poly cutting edge will bolt a new cutting edge through a drill hole. Attached this way, the poly cutting edge stays on the steel edge and remains secure even on rough surfaces.

A polyurethane cutting edge is smooth, making them plow blades that can eliminate driver fatigue. In addition, cutting edges consist of polyurethane with a low friction coefficient, unlike metal cutting edges.

The low friction coefficient is also an excellent feature for snow blowers, snow plows, and snow pushers meant for more delicate surfaces — like those in residential areas. They also bend on uneven surfaces, making them safe for the driver, the surface, and the snow plow or pusher.

Polyurethane cutting edges also have maximum abrasion resistance because of their specialized urethane formulation. This gives them an edge in long-term durability and structural integrity.

In short, polyurethane cutting edges are perfect for snow plows, pushers, and snow blowers. They are accessories that attach to default-issue steel edges and provide users with a cutting edge that boasts all the qualities of polyurethane.

How Are Polyurethane Plow Edges Built?

Polyurethane plow edges are the products of engineered molding and construction. Manufacturers will often make polyurethane cutting edges in pre-set batches. These batches of cutting edges come in uniform specifications.

A manufacturer uses predetermined specs as guidelines for creating blades made of polyurethane. The specs will cover everything from the plow blade widths to thicknesses.

Unlike steel cutting edges, polyurethane cutting edges are moldable. Their moldability makes them easy and economical to produce, especially after a manufacturer configures and determines specs like thickness and material.

Because a cutting-edge polyurethane manufacturer fulfills massive shipments, there’s little to no room for customization. For this reason, you will receive a urethane snow plow edge that may not be exactly what you want. At best, you’ll get a cutting edge that only closely resembles the specs you have in mind. After receiving the edges, you’ll have to cut them yourself and figure out how to attach them to your snow plow.

Luckily, some companies manufacture custom polyurethane plow blades. If you want cutting edges that meet your ideal specifications, call a manufacturer that incorporates your additional information dimensions. For customized polyurethane snow plow edges, look no further than UniFlex.

Reach out for polyurethane and rubber edges that are engineered and made just the way you want them to be.

Why is Polyurethane Used for Snow Plows?

The steel cutting edge has long been a mainstay for plows. Steel plow blades scrape and move ice and snow from surfaces like cobblestone and concrete. However, steel made plowing potentially damaging, ruining concrete and cobblestone surfaces.

As the demand for plow blades for residential areas grew, more manufacturers experimented with various materials.

Rubber plow blades became available as they proved to be friendly to residential areas. But, unfortunately, rubber was expensive to source. Also, it needs to be more flexible to bend on uneven pavement.

Homeowners desired something with the resilience and long life of a steel cutting edge and the flexibility of rubber edges. The polyurethane fills the gap between steel and rubber blades as an alternative material.

Polyurethane became the material of choice for plows, pushers, and blowers — thanks to the advantages of polyurethane for plow blade manufacturing.

Polyurethane Blades Have a Lower Friction Coefficient Than Steel Cutting Edges

When selecting snow plow-cutting blades, one of the qualities to consider is the friction coefficient. The friction coefficient determines the blade’s abrasive force on a plowing surface. The higher it is, the more friction a blade applies to a plowing surface. A high friction coefficient is desirable for most surfaces. However, a low friction coefficient material like polyurethane is superior for delicate surfaces.

A poly plow edge has a lower coefficient than its steel counterpart. Polyurethane edges can glide on a plowing surface and protect it from excessive abrasion and damage.

A Polyurethane Snow Plow Blade Has a Longer Life Than a Rubber Edge

Plowing can take a toll on even the most resilient or flexible materials. While rubber is flexible, it only takes a short time before the edges wear out. For long-lasting plowing blades, polyurethane is a better material than rubber.

Poly cutting edges are abrasion-resistant. Due to their polyurethane construction, they can withstand multiple plowings even at a fraction of the thickness of rubber edges. Polyurethane’s low friction coefficient also enables polyurethane edges to glide on any surface easily and avoid damage.

Polyurethane Cutting Edges Are Quiet

A poly cutting edge isn’t just protective of every surface. A poly edge is also close to noiseless. We can attribute the quietness of a poly cutting edge to its weight and friction coefficient.

Polyurethane cutting edges can glide on surfaces without causing much friction. As a result, you’ll hear no screeching noises as you plow snow or ice off your property’s surface.

Poly Snow Plow Blades Are Warp Resistant

Adding to the wear-and-tear resistance of polyurethane cutting edges is their warp resistance. Polyurethane is a stable material that doesn’t change when temperatures rise or drop. The polyurethane’s stability allows you to store your blade for a long time without the risk of its shape, width, and thickness changing whenever it gets hot or cold.

Unparalleled Shock Resistance

Due to its construction, a poly cutting edge is more resistant to shock than steel. Polyurethane boasts the elasticity and flexibility that enables your blade to bend on uneven pavement or residential surfaces.

A New Cutting Edge Costs Less Than Rubber

Rubber is flexible, safe, and easy to mount and customize. However, it’s not the most economical option despite being cheaper than steel. On the other hand, Urethane is more accessible to source and mold, making it a more affordable and equally effective alternative to rubber.

When you buy a polyurethane plow blade, you’ll get it at a lower price than a rubber blade. Many manufacturers are now offering affordable polyurethane edges. However, if you’re looking for the best deals for custom polyurethane blades, call us now for a free quote.


Polyurethane’s most salient advantage over steel and rubber is its moldability. As the most moldable material for plow blades, polyurethane is almost as easy to shape as plastic. As a result, the material lends itself better to customization.

Unfortunately, only some manufacturers have the logistics and manufacturing capabilities to customize plowing blades to your specs. This is where we come in. Reach out for custom plowing edges that fully reflect your exact specifications.

The Best Time to Purchase a Polyurethane Plow Edge is Now

When is the best time to buy a poly plowing edge for trucks, plows, and pushers? If you’re reading this, and it’s snowing, then the answer is clear — there’s no better time than now.

By ordering your edges during December, January, and February, you’ll be increasing the shelf life of your plow, blower, or truck. With that in mind, consider your new cutting-edge investment for your plow and residential surface.

When You Need Quality Custom Polyurethane Cutting Edges, Think UniFlex

Do you need custom polyurethane cutting edges explicitly molded to your desired specs? Look no further. Call us now for poly-cutting edges for trucks, blowers, and plows built to last and serve you well this winter.

When it comes to industrial plastics, there are two main types: thermoplastic polymers and thermoset polymers. Thermoplastics can be melted down and reused, while thermoset plastics cannot. Thermoset plastics are more durable than thermoplastics but are also more expensive. So, which material is used in the mining industry?

What is Thermoplastic?

Thermoplastic is a type of plastic that becomes soft and pliable when heated and hardens when cooled. Unlike thermosetting plastics, which cannot be softened once they have been set, thermoplastics can be melted and reformed multiple times.

Thermoplastics are used in a wide range of applications, from food packaging to medical devices. The most common thermoplastics include polypropylene, polyethylene, and polystyrene.

Thermoplastics are produced by polymerizing small molecules into long chains. These chains can be linear or branched, depending on the specific application. When heated, the chains break apart and flow freely, allowing the thermoplastic to be molded into different shapes.

Once cooled, the chains reform, and the thermoplastic hardens. This process can be repeated an unlimited number of times, making thermoplastics an extremely versatile material.

In the mining industry, thermoplastics are used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Pipelining
  • Cable insulation
  • Hose reinforcement

What is Thermoset?

Thermoset is a type of plastic that becomes permanently hard when heated. Unlike thermoplastic, which can be melted and reformed multiple times, thermosets cannot be remolded or recycled. Common examples of thermoset materials include Bakelite, epoxy, and vulcanized rubber.

These materials are often used in applications where high heat resistance and durability are required, such as in electrical insulation or automotive brake pads.

Thermoset is able to mold into complex shapes just like a thermoplastic. However, it is usually open cast, low pressure injection molded, or compression molded rather than injection molded or extruded. Thermoset is also generally more expensive than thermoplastic. This is because the manufacturing process is more complex, and the raw materials are often more costly. This being said, thermoset polymers are often much more durable than thermoplastics and are extensively used in high wear environments wear longevity is essential.

In the mining industry, thermosetting plastics are used for:

  • Molding electrical components
  • Sheet material for liners
  • Aggregate screens
  • Roller coatings
  • Making gaskets and seals
  • Creating wear-resistant coatings

What’s the Difference?

Comparing thermoplastic and thermoset is a common occurrence because they are both used in a variety of applications. Here are the key differences between these two materials:

  • Thermoplastic can be melted and reformed, while thermosets cannot. This is because thermoset undergoes a chemical reaction when heated, which permanently changes the material. The curing process involves chemical bonding of the material properties to form permanent chemical bonds.
  • Thermoplastic is less durable than thermoset. Thermoplastics, such as food packaging, are often used in applications not subject to high temperatures or stress. Thermoset plastics are better suited for high-heat and high-stress applications, such as automotive brake pads. The material properties can withstand these and more because thermosetting materials undergo an extensive curing process.
  • Thermoplastic is generally less expensive than thermoset. This is because thermoplastic manufacturing is more straightforward, and thermoplastic materials are often cheaper. Thermoset plastics are more complex to produce and require more costly raw materials.
  • Thermoplastics are more manageable to mold into complex shapes than thermosets. Thermoplastics can be melted and reformed multiple times, making them more flexible during molding. Thermoplastic polymers are more flexible and versatile because processing thermoplastics involves guaranteeing thermal stability.
  • Thermoset plastics are more versatile and long lasting but often require chemical processing equipment to guarantee the chemical ratio integrity of thermoset plastic mixes.

What Type of Urethane Parts Are Used in the Mining Industry?

Urethane has many benefits that make it ideal for use in the mining industry. It is wear-resistant, impact-resistant, and can withstand high temperatures. As a result, urethane parts are often used in mining equipment, such as conveyor belt rollers, screen decking, and chute lining.

In addition, urethane can be molded into custom shapes and sizes, making it perfect for creating bespoke parts for specific applications. Thanks to its versatility and durability, urethane is an essential material for the mining industry. It can maintain good structural integrity and minimal chemical resistance.

The urethane parts that are used in the mining industry include:

Conveyor Belt Rollers

Conveyor belt rollers are used to move heavy loads along a conveyor belt. They are typically made from steel or urethane and are designed to withstand high temperatures and wear caused by friction.

Urethane is often used for conveyor belt rollers because it is impact-resistant and can withstand the high temperatures generated by friction. It is also less likely to damage the conveyor belt than steel rollers.

Screen Decking

Screen decking is used to separate materials by size. It is typically made from wood or urethane and comprises a series of screen panels attached to a frame.

Urethane screen decking is often used in the mining industry because it is wear-resistant and can withstand the high impact of falling rocks. It is also resistant to the corrosive effects of chemicals and moisture.

Chute Lining

Chute lining is used to protect surfaces from abrasion. It is typically made from rubber or urethane and is installed on the walls of chutes, conveyors, and other high-wear surfaces.

Urethane chute lining is often used in the mining industry because it is wear-resistant and can withstand the high impact of falling rocks. It is also resistant to the corrosive effects of chemicals and moisture.

Urethane parts are essential for the smooth running of the mining industry. Therefore, if you’re looking for mining equipment, check that the parts are made from urethane. Thanks to its durability and versatility, urethane is the perfect material for use in the mining industry.

Why We Use Thermoset Polymers in the Mining Industry

Thermoset polymers are a type of plastic widely used in the mining industry. These materials are prized for their excellent physical properties, high strength, durability, and resistance to heat and chemicals. In addition, thermoset polymers are often easier to recycle than other plastics.

As a result, they have become the material of choice for many mining applications. Some common products made from thermoset polymers include conveyor belts, pipes, and pump housings.

In each of these applications, thermoset polymers’ superior strength and resistance help ensure long service life. Thermoset polymers have become an essential part of the modern mining industry thanks to these benefits.

How to Purchase!

When purchasing urethane products, it’s important to remember that these are custom parts for the most part. That means that the only things you can buy online are urethane stock items like a sheet, rod, tube, or bar. For everything else, you’ll need to contact a urethane manufacturer or supplier directly.

When doing so, have your specifications in hand so they can provide you with a quote. Once you’ve received a quote, you can decide whether to place an order.

Remember that custom urethane parts lead times can range from a few weeks to a few months, so plan accordingly.

Contact Uniflex Today!

If you need assistance finding the right urethane products for your mining application, don’t hesitate to contact Uniflex. At our company, we specialize in custom molded urethane and rubber. We can design, machine, and manufacture all under one roof, which helps keep prices low and lead times short.

Our company has specialized in custom molded urethane and rubber since 1979 and has been a trusted supplier for the aerospace, automotive, robotics, military, oil, gas, mining, and marine industries. We offer the same or better quality as our competitors, but we do it cheaper.

We also offer low and high-volume production orders, rapid prototyping, and specialty materials. If you’re looking for a trusted provider of custom molded urethane and rubber parts, look no further than our company!

So, what are you waiting for? Call us today at 248-486-6000.

To maintain a seamless supply chain, material handling includes various tools and systems that help with inventory management, warehouse management, and product processing and sorting. Durable material handling equipment is crucial to getting products out of your factory and to clients on time.

Polyurethane material, mainly in thermoplastic polyurethane and polyurethane foams, is one of the most well-known materials used to increase the longevity and durability of material handling equipment and produce high-quality polyurethane products. It is one of the most flexible elastomers and is used in various global applications.

Products made of polyurethane materials offer many advantages over those made of other elastomers and plastics, including greater strength, toughness, durability, and versatility. Chemical modification of the polyurethane coatings and mechanical properties offers a variety of unusual chances to solve challenges with performance qualities unmatched by any other materials.

Why Are Urethane Parts Essential to Material Handling?

The term “polyurethane,” frequently abbreviated as “PUR” or “PU,” refers to a group of polymers made up of organic units cross-linked by urethane.

Polyurethane may be made from various starting materials, unlike conventional polymers like polyethylene and polystyrene. This chemical diversity generates polyurethanes with a wide range of chemical structures, resulting in several uses. These include:

  • Rigid and flexible foams
  • Varnishes and coatings
  • Elastomers
  • Adhesives
  • Electrical potting compounds
  • Thermal stability
  • Fibers such as spandex and PUL
  • Polyurethane fabric

Polyurethane materials are created in such a way as to form a sizable class of polymers that may be adapted to a variety of uses, significantly enhancing the building, automotive, and electrical industries.

Numerous benefits of polyurethane material handling products include:

  • Impact and abrasion-resistant parts
  • Protection of products
  • Resistance to chemicals
  • Flame retardants
  • Withstand heat
  • Noise reduction
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Fire retardant
  • Improved effectiveness
  • Cost-effective
  • Products that are consistent and lower the need for general machine maintenance
  • Less downtime
  • Longer lifespan
  • Improved manufacturing process

What Urethane Parts Are Used in Material Handling?

In the beginning, thermosetting polyurethane was intended to be used as a synthetic version of natural rubber during World War II. The adaptability of this novel polymer and its capacity to substitute scarce materials soon led to the development of numerous applications. After World War II, the polyurethane industry rose, and polyurethane PU became a used material in many industries.

Polyurethane applications are essential for material handling equipment to ensure a continuous supply chain and efficient manufacturing process.

The following are just a few examples of material handling equipment parts that polyurethane properties may provide to assist you in fulfilling your material handling equipment production demands:

  • Urethane Rollers
  • Urethane Bumpers
  • Urethane Gaskets, Washers, and Bushings
  • Urethane Gripper Pads
  • Urethane Linings for Various Components
  • Polyurethane Clamps
  • Diverters
  • Wheels
  • Conveyor Equipment Parts
  • Rigid Foams
  • Reusable Fabric
  • And many more

Here are some more advantages of using polyurethane properties in situations involving material handling:

  • Low tooling costs
  • Excellent capacity for bearing loads
  • Outstanding impact resistance
  • Excellent noise reduction
  • Outstanding efficiency
  • Resist water
  • Measurement stability
  • Free from harmful toxins
  • Long-term field wear
  • Decreased downtime
  • Lower costs of maintenance

Importance of Polyurethane Foams in Material Handling Equipment

The most popular type of polyurethane that is utilized extensively worldwide is polyurethane foam. It was commonly used for molding flexible foam cushions and seating, refrigerator walls, or thermal insulation. In just a short period, flexible polyurethane foam quickly replaced other upholstery such as car seats and furniture, shoe materials, and many more as the preferred option.

Due to their unique properties, polyurethanes can be modified to improve commercial and consumer goods and solve complex difficulties in material handling equipment.

Today, consumer and commercial products like bedding, furniture, automotive interiors, carpet underlay, and packaging are all cushioned with polyurethane properties, primarily in the form of polyurethane foam.

Flexible polyurethane foam can be created in various shapes and densities and is robust, comfortable, lightweight, and supportive. It is utilized in many items, including coatings, adhesives, mattresses, foam insulation, and shoe soles.

Importance of Polyurethane Fabric in Material Handling Equipment

In many aspects, polyurethane coating and properties improve the performance capabilities of fabric. There is a substantial layer of this polymer on many elastic fabrics. As a result, it can be used to create windproof and waterproof apparel while still enabling water vapor to permeate the fabric gently.

PU fabric is one great alternative to animal skins and other fabrics. It is more durable, flexible, and affordable. In addition, PU fabrics can be designed to look like natural animal skin.

Polyurethane fabric is a compound material cross-linked to the polyurethane that connects one or more layers of polymer resins with a woven or non-woven textile backing made of polyester, cotton, nylon, or ground leather. To make the Polyurethane coating appear more like animal skins, it is applied to just one side of the basic cloth.

Polyurethane fabrics break or wrinkle like genuine leather when stitched, collected, or tufted. Unlike vinyl, Polyurethane resins are constructed of a flexible polymer and don’t require an additional superplasticizer.

PU fabric doesn’t contain plasticizers, so there is no tearing or peeling, and it stays soft and comfortable for the entire time it is attached to the furniture. PU fabric and textiles may be decorated easily as well.

Since PU fabrics don’t produce dioxins, they are considered more environmentally friendly than vinyl. Although Polyurethane fabric can be more expensive to make than vinyl, it is less costly than natural leather.

Where Can Urethane Parts Be Purchased?

Urethane parts are now available online because of how prevalent and essential polyurethane materials are in material handling equipment. Urethane parts, however, are typically customized parts. They are created specifically for you based on your requirements and material handling machinery.

However, you may purchase urethane stock manufactured products like polyurethane sheets, rods, tubes, and bars online for standard material handling equipment parts.

Contact Uniflex

Polyurethane parts for material handling are available online. However, polyurethane parts online are commonly sold in stock and don’t have custom-made options. As a result, ensuring that your material handling equipment is fully equipped with polyurethane parts can be challenging since material handling can differ from models and designs.

Given the significance of urethane parts in material handling, you’ll need a trustworthy partner who can ensure that your supply chain and workflow are improved by allowing you to acquire all the Polyurethane parts you need for your material handling.

With 50 years of experience, Uniflex is a system provider for manufacturing hose lines, including workshop tools and production lines. Our area of expertise has advanced to rubber and urethane custom molding, and we can meet all of your needs for polyurethane material handling equipment.

We Can Mold Anything Urethane And Rubber

We strive for client satisfaction and offer durable, affordable, and high-volume custom molded parts that are trusted by industries all over the world. The fact that we can design, process, and manufacture all under one roof contributes to our ability to keep costs low and lead times short. We can give you all the polyurethane parts your business needs and make them precisely to fit your material handling equipment, ensuring a better and more reliable workflow.

Our business has been a dependable supplier for the polyurethane industry, aerospace, automotive, robotics, military, oil, gas, mining, and marine industries since 1979. Contact us today and learn more about how Uniflex can help you take your business to the next level of success!

Urethane and polyurethane have permeated many industries, including the automotive industry. For the last decade, polyurethane has moved from the aerospace niche to a mainstay in manufacturing vehicle parts and accessories. For its resilience and weight, polyurethane has found itself in many demanding applications in the automotive industry. This material has a growing number of use cases, as shown by the industry-wide adoption of polyurethane gaskets and urethane piston hydraulic seals.

We can also attribute urethane’s growing adoption to its superior resistance and tolerance to many chemicals. The moldability of polyurethane also enables manufacturers to mold custom parts to fit client specifications, like custom-fit polyurethane gaskets for use in high-stress environments. Indeed, polyurethane and urethane are taking industries by storm with each part created from them.

Learn more about how these elastomeric materials are changing the game with each car part manufactured.

What Urethane Parts Are Used in the Automotive Industry?

Urethane and polyurethane are often the go-to materials for this vehicle part — urethane seals. However, polyurethane seals are not the only parts that consist of polyurethane. These materials are also ubiquitous in polyurethane gaskets or o-rings. Of late, car manufacturers have also been using polyurethane as muffler mounts.

Let’s get into these automotive components in greater detail:

Urethane Seals and Polyurethane Seals

Polyurethane and urethane seals are the most common examples of vehicle parts consisting of elastomeric materials. Polyurethane seals, like the piston, are ubiquitous in a vehicle’s hydraulic components.

Urethane and polyurethane seals boast resilience, resisting high temperatures. Their tolerance to high temperatures and chemical resistance also makes them long-lasting alternatives to plastic and rubber seals.

Polyurethane seals also have excellent abrasion resistance. This makes polyurethane seals less susceptible to wear and tear, unlike rubber and plastic seals.

Polyurethane Gaskets or O-Rings

Automotive manufacturers also prize polyurethane and urethane for their chemical resistance. The tolerance of these materials to oil to ozone makes polyurethane or urethane an ideal choice for tube connections.

As a result of polyurethane’s chemical tolerance, manufacturers have used it to make polyurethane gaskets or o-rings. Polyurethane gaskets or o-rings provide excellent connections between tube surfaces, guaranteeing leak-proof connection under high heat and pressure.

Polyurethane gaskets also have excellent abrasion resistance, meaning they aren’t susceptible to wear. As a result, polyurethane gaskets and o-rings require only periodic maintenance or replacement.

Polyurethane Bushings

Rubber or OE suspension bushings have long been the ideal choice for every car manufacturer. Unfortunately, a vehicle’s suspension is the site of much wear and tear. For this reason, a vehicle owner can only expect rubber or OE bushings to last so long. For more longevity, a material like polyurethane may be a better alternative.

Polyurethane bushings share the hardness and durability of steel and high-density rubber. However, polyurethane bushings also have more “give” than metal materials. The resulting ability to absorb shock adds years to a vehicle’s suspension life. Also, the elasticity of polyurethane bushings reduces noise and vibration — two characteristics that many motorists desire.

Polyurethane Muffler Mounts

Manufactured muffler mounts used to consist of rigid materials like steel. However, the desire for noise reduction created a market for polyurethane muffler mounts.

Polyurethane muffler mounts reduce noise due to the polyurethane’s elasticity and shock absorption. These muffler mounts are also abrasion-resistant, requiring infrequent maintenance and repairs.

Why Are Urethane Parts Essential to the Automotive Industry?

Vehicle owners recognize the importance of a lighter vehicle. Reduced weight contributes to not only speed but also fuel and energy efficiency. For this reason, vehicle owners will scour the market for lighter parts that boast the same hardness and quality as metal or steel.

A manufacturer must, in turn, cater to the broad consumer demand for vehicle weight reduction. This is where parts like polyurethane seals and polyurethane gaskets come in.

Polyurethane Seals and Polyurethane Gaskets Feature the Perfect Balance of Qualities

Urethane and polyurethane gaskets and seals provide vehicle owners with lighter, abrasion-resistant, and elastic options. As a bonus, these parts compromise little in durability, hardness, and quality. They are ideal for any supplier or manufacturer catering to vehicle owners who desire alternatives to traditional materials like rubber.

Tight Tolerances and Resistance to Oil and Chemicals

Polyurethane’s elasticity makes it resilient to compressing forces in vehicles. The high-pressure benefits of urethane and polyurethane are apparent in components like suspension bushings and muffler mounts.

Besides their pressure resistance, polyurethane seals and gaskets protect against other chemicals. Polyurethane parts are resistant to oil and ozone and boast impeccable chemical resistance and hardness versatility.

Polyurethane Molds Easily

Often, metallic parts must be machined in advance. Worse yet, metallic stock items cannot be molded, so there will be limitations in the possible specifications of a part.

Urethane solves many production challenges by presenting manufacturers with a material that can be molded and machined easily. As a bonus, polyurethane parts can come in various levels of hardness and thicknesses, depending on what a client calls for.

Companies Can Manufacture to a Client’s Specifications

Part manufacturers can take advantage of polyurethane’s elasticity and mold components to client specifications. Manufacturers can mold polyurethane parts in varying three-dimensional geometries. Under tight tolerances, polyurethane components can also be molded for hardness and durability.

Custom Molded with Competitive Pricing

It costs more to cast metallic parts. As a result, manufacturers will charge more for car parts made of alloy or metallic material. By comparison, casting urethane and polyurethane parts costs less, making them more affordable than their metallic counterparts.

Custom Urethane Parts and How to Purchase

Polyurethane parts like seals, gaskets, o-rings, and bushings are typically not available off-the-peg. They are generally custom-made. Any polyurethane parts available online will usually come in standard colors and sizes. These parts may be of the right material but be unfit for a company’s needs. The only polyurethane and urethane products best purchased online would be stock items, such as polyurethane and urethane bars, sheets, rods, and tubes. These products are available from online suppliers. Of course, a company ordering these items must be able to cast or machine parts to make their product from stock urethane shapes. Otherwise, the company would have no alternative but to hire another company to manufacture urethane parts.

So, it is best to seek a company that not only has urethane and polyurethane but can cast parts with quality and precision. Not many companies offer this combination of services — but we at Uniflex, Inc. do.

Custom-Molded Polyurethane Products Under One Roof

Unlike any other industry-grade material, polyurethane boasts excellent abrasion resistance and customization options. Versatile and affordable to cast, polyurethane parts offer the most bang for your buck regardless of what industry your business caters to. Getting your polyurethane and parts machined simultaneously will be a challenge with most companies — luckily, that’s what we are here for.

Uniflex Inc. is a one-stop shop for all of your polyurethane needs. Our company is an all-in-one solution for polyurethane product prototyping, manufacturing, and high-volume production. With us, you can enjoy short lead times, high-quality manufacturing services, and products molded just the way you want them.

Polyurethane and rubber molding are what we do best. Reach out to us for a free service estimate to experience polyurethane manufacturing that boasts quality and precision.

With the demanding nature of the oil and gas industry, parts that are used in this sector have to be able to meet high standards. The parts must also withstand various conditions, including extreme temperatures, high pressures, and harsh chemicals. Urethane parts are often used in the oil and gas industry because they can meet these demanding requirements. Unlike rubber, plastics, and other materials, polyurethane offers hardness versatility, is durable, and is crack and wear-resistant. Urethane or polyurethane also offers high customization as it can be molded in different shapes and measures and can be used in applications typically found in areas that require oil and gas parts.

Parts made from polyurethane are also being manufactured for the automotive industry. From universal bushings that are used to replace worn stock bushings to specific replacements to rubber bushings of control arms, sway bars, transmission mounts, and other suspension parts, urethane bushes are being increasingly used for a variety of applications

What Are Considered Urethane Parts?

Due to the extreme durability of urethane material, stability in a downhole environment, and natural resistance to corrosion, pressure, impact, heat, and abrasion, it is the ideal tooling and parts-making material for the oil and gas industry. Many leading manufacturers, including Uniflex, have been taking advantage of this by exclusively making parts from polyurethane for the oil and gas sector. Because of its natural edge over rubber products and other plastics, urethane parts are slowly becoming the go-to material for many applications in this industry.

Here are some of the urethane parts that are used in the oil and gas industry:

  • Liners
  • Rollers
  • Outer Tube / Tubes
  • Bushings
  • Rings
  • Nozzles
  • Scrapers
  • Clamps
  • Seals
  • Gears
  • Pads

What Are Polyurethane Bushes?

A PU or polyurethane bushing or bushes acts as an inner sleeve of a control arm and other suspension parts. Bushes tend to be manufactured using rubber materials, but due to the advancement of polyurethane technology, many leading companies are now using this material for their bushing products. While hot rods, custom rods, and other old American vehicles are seen with rubber bushes, many of today’s vehicles come with polyurethane bushes because they are more flexible and durable and will not quickly wear, unlike their counterparts. In energy suspension, bushings made from urethane are the new norm. They can cast the outer diameter, fastener bolt diameter, inner sleeve, and wall thickness to achieve desired durometers (hardness).

Polyurethane Bushings

Polyurethane bushings — poly bushings or urethane bushings — are aftermarket suspension parts used to replace your car or truck’s rubber bushings. Because of their performance in automobiles, urethane bushings are also used in the oil and gas industry. They offer many advantages over their rubber counterparts, the most popular being improved handling and increased durability.

While polyurethane bushings will never be as soft as rubber, the suitable compound can get you pretty close. You can also custom-cast polyurethane bushings to cater to suspension components that require an inner diameter smaller than what is available on the market.

Some polyurethane bushings are also greaseable, meaning that you can inject grease into the bushing to keep it lubricated and operating smoothly. This is a great way to extend the life of your polyurethane suspension bushings and improve their performance.

Why Are They Essential to the Oil and Gas Industries?

The oil and gas industry often requires parts that can withstand extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and pressures. Polyurethane components can meet these challenges while still providing the necessary flexibility, strength, and durability. In addition, polyurethane is also resistant to many chemicals used in the oil and gas industry, making it the ideal material for various applications. The bushings generally works as an adapter for joining pipes, serves as a guide for installing other elements in the system, provides insulation, and more. Bushings also work to minimize energy usage, absorb vibration, and reduce noise.

Where Can You Purchase Urethane Parts Online?

As urethane parts should be made precisely and according to specifications, it is best to purchase them from a reputable manufacturer. One such company is Uniflex, which has been manufacturing custom urethane parts for over 50 years. Uniflex has the experience and expertise to create the perfect urethane part for your application, whether for the oil and gas industry or any other industry.

We offer top-notch standard urethane parts, including sheet, rod, tube, and bar. We also do custom manufacturing for customers who need to integrate design specifications. We use cutting-edge machinery and equipment to achieve this and a team of highly skilled and experienced engineers. With ISO 9001 protocol in place, we are proud to say that we adhere to the highest quality standards in the industry.

Moreover, we engage in continuous innovation and development to ensure that we are always at the forefront of urethane technology. This enables us to offer the market the latest products catering to the most complex requirements.

Custom Urethane and How to Purchase!

With different applications of urethane parts and the demand of these applications for certain specifications, it is best to go for custom urethane parts. This will ensure that the part used for your application is made precisely to your specifications.

You can purchase custom urethane parts from Uniflex by contacting us and providing us with your specifications. We will then create a 3D model of the part according to your specifications and provide you with a quote. Once you decide to work with us, we will manufacture the part. We will give you a timeline on which you can expect to receive the part, as well as the methods of shipment.

UniFlex will be your best choice when it comes to purchasing custom urethane parts due to our experience, expertise, and commitment to quality.

We also make sure that our parts are made with sustainability in mind. We use renewable and recyclable materials as much as possible to help reduce our carbon footprint. We also follow the highest safety standards to protect our workers, our customers, and the environment.

Contact Us Today!

If you are interested in working with Uniflex for your urethane needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to discuss your requirements and provide you with a quote. Below is the list of our contact information.


  • Phone: 248-486-6000
  • Email:

Can’t find the parts you need? Since most parts of the oil and gas industry are custom-made and may not be available online, we encourage you to contact us so we can sit down with you and discuss your requirements.

Are you looking for a stronger, tougher, and more reliable alternative to rubber and plastics? If you work in industrial spaces and are looking for high-performance products and components, then urethane rods and bars might just be the solution for you. Capable of withstanding heavy-duty use, wear, tear, and abrasion, polyurethane bars and rods are highly versatile products able to be used in a wide range of applications.

With plenty of sizes and lengths to choose from, these tools also come in various colors and hardness levels to meet your standards (i.e., 70A, 80A, 90A). Read on below for your guide to using urethane rods and bar stock, and to find out how they can help your business and industrial work.

What is Urethane?

Urethane or polyurethane, is sometimes referred to as a hybrid product due to its versatility; it offers the durability and toughness of metal while having the elasticity of rubber. However, it is not made of either of these things; instead, urethane is made from natural compounds known as isocyanate and polyol, which are bonded by carbamate to make them strong. These are just the starting blocks – polyurethane can be made to be more complex using a wide range of materials.

As it can have so many chemical variations, polyurethane can be created and used for a nearly unlimited number of applications. It can be made into both flexible and rigid foams, adhesives, bumpers, coatings, varnishes, and more, as well as fibers like spandex. With that said, foam is the most common application, accounting for 67% of the polyurethane produced in 2016.

Urethane has a wide range of hardness levels, from soft and flexible to as solid as a rock. The hardness is measured by durometers. The lower the number, the softer the material; low durometer readings correspond to low compression set characteristics.

Urethane’s versatility allows users to replace plastic, rubber, and even metal in their daily applications. It has superior physical properties along with excellent abrasion resistance, meaning polyurethane products can last longer and help to reduce production and maintenance costs.

Many companies rely on polyurethane to maintain their budget, cut production time, and reduce their operations downtime, while paying a fraction of the cost of other materials. This resilient and tough material is also a great choice if you’re looking to outperform rubber or steel because it can be molded into any shape you need while retaining the characteristics of those other two materials.

Additionally, polyurethanes can lessen noise and control shock and vibration in most environments. All of these great benefits are rolled into one material. You can create custom molded parts from polyurethane to work in any capacity you need. Urethane is the best of both worlds – versatility that meets the highest standards in the industry.

What Are Urethane Rods?

Urethane rods are made from thermoset polymer, a material that can retain its flexibility, shape, and resilience. Once formed, the rods can retain these physical properties under tension, compression, or stress, but can be molded into any shape, hardness, or size, making them highly versatile. Urethane rods also possess better aging, tear, and abrasion resistance compared to other materials.

The material also offers a higher load capacity, without displaying any deformation issues. Furthermore, polyurethane rods will provide better impact resistance, elastic memory, and wear properties compared to other kinds of plastics. Polyurethane rods come in a wide range of options, such as:

  • Standard round rod stock sizes
  • Custom round rod stock sizes
  • A range between 40A–65D durometers
  • Various colors, sizes, and lengths

How Are They Used?

Urethane rods are often used as an alternative to nylon or plastic components to provide an upgraded function. They also go beyond the standard color of black. Depending on your needs, you can get a urethane rod that can offer better resistance to oil, abrasion, weather, and wear. These can be made to be four times stronger than nylon, allowing them to last longer through various applications.

Custom Urethane Rods

Polyurethane rods can be custom-made into versatile shapes and different sizes for manufacturing high-performance products. You can find a great range of customization options for urethane rods, including:

  • Size
  • Shape
  • Length
  • Color
  • Diameter
  • Hardness

Depending on your needs, you may specify a set of parameters and dimensions to ensure that the end product will meet your requirements. With a long history of superior performance, outstanding quality, and personal customer service, you can count on Uniflex to deliver all your custom urethane rods. You can be confident that our urethane rods will provide the following benefits:

  • Long lasting
  • Crack resistant
  • Abrasion resistant
  • Oil resistant
  • Durable
  • No tooling costs
  • Custom diameter

What Are High-Performance Rod Stocks?

Uniflex offers high-performance urethane rod stock as well, which you can use for all your heavy-duty applications. These provide an upgrade over traditional materials and can perform well under load and compression. As these are much stronger than plastic and nylon, they won’t crack.

High performance urethane rod stock is as easy to use as plastic, but offers a wider variety of hardness options. Polyurethane is often the preferred choice over many other materials and can be adjusted to a particular level of hardness to match the needs of your projects. Furthermore, it can be manufactured with UV protection, as well as oil and heat resistance, making it the perfect choice for different industries, such as:

  • Food and Service
  • Manufacturing
  • Military
  • Marine
  • Aviation
  • Aerospace
  • And more

What is Urethane Bar Stock?

Just like polyurethane rod stocks, bar stock is a versatile product that is well suited for various applications and can be made custom in low volumes to be used as stops, bushings, or bumpers. Urethane bar stock can also help ease machining and grinding applications through specialized formulations. Additionally, you can have your urethane bar stock created with specific characteristics, such as:

  • Low compression
  • High-temperature formulation
  • Oil resistant
  • Abrasion resistant
  • Custom length and diameter
  • Custom colors
  • Custom hardness
  • And more

At Uniflex, we offer a wide range of tooling selections, where there are little to no setup costs with most orders. To learn more about how Uniflex can help you manufacture reliable components, contact us through our website.

How Are They Used?

Their extremely versatile characteristics and wide range of applications mean urethane bar stock can be used in so many ways, including the following:

  • Gears
  • Gaskets
  • Wear dads
  • Truck beds
  • Bumpers
  • Sorter blocks
  • Spout linings
  • Bumper pads
  • Cutting surfaces
  • Impact absorption
  • Machinery mounts
  • Rollers and covers
  • Sandblast curtains
  • Metal-forming pads
  • Sound-dampening pads
  • Chute and hopper liners

Working with urethane bar stock can offer so many advantages with endless possibilities.

Custom Urethane Bar Stocks

Uniflex casts a huge selection of precision molded urethane bar stocks, which you can order in either metric or imperial sizes. This includes measurements that are as small as 3/8 x 3/8 x 24 inches or up to 6 x 6 x 48 inches. We also offer custom mold urethane bar stocks to meet your exact specifications, built tooling, and close-tolerance requirements.

Apart from our precision molded bar stock, we can also mold non-standard bar sizes through our open-cast molding process, without any tooling charges. Open-cast bars will generally have imperfections on the surface, such as size variations and shrinkage marks, but they have ideal uses. These include applications that need subsequent fabrication or machining of the bar, as well as applications where appearance isn’t a crucial factor.

Where Can You Purchase Them?

You can find high-quality urethane rod stock and bar stock if you know where to look. While there are some brick-and-mortar shops that sell these products, you might find that online suppliers are the better route. Opening your browser and doing your research on a website that offers a great selection of urethane rod stock and urethane bar stock can be a better source in the long run, especially if you’re tackling several projects.

Many customers have already seen the benefits that online shopping offers, which include:

  • Honest reviews from past clients
  • 24/7 customer service
  • High-quality polyurethane products
  • Quick and easy checkout systems
  • Fast delivery
  • And more

These are just a few of the advantages we offer on the Uniflex website, plus our manufacturing plant, for all your polyurethane needs. Fully equipped with all the latest equipment, our in-house machine shop is home to our team of experts who produce polyurethane rods and bars known for their durability and versatility. Moreover, we only use top-grade materials to ensure that we consistently produce world-class polyurethane products for you.

How Can You Purchase Them?

If you opt to buy your polyurethane products from a manufacturer, you will most likely have to wait for information and a quote. However, a faster route would be to review all your needs online, where you can check for the background of the company you wish to purchase from while looking for other important details such as:

  • The quality of the urethane products
  • Whether they can deliver your specifications
  • Purchase order requirements
  • Development of design and concepts
  • The time it takes for full-time production
  • Whether products are made in the USA
  • And more

At Uniflex, we can streamline your company’s supply chain by developing and creating urethane rods and urethane bars exactly the way you need them. In the end, you’ll get more time to focus on the important parts of your business, while you leave all your urethane needs to us. You can count on our team to deliver stellar products and services, which include the following:

  • Waterjet-cut urethane parts
  • Custom mold manufacturing
  • Automated adhesive applications
  • Rotational and open-cast molding
  • Post-secondary assembly
  • On-site testing
  • World-class metal preparation
  • Online support service
  • Custom diameters
  • High-speed finishing equipment
  • And more

Call Uniflex Today

Our team offers affordable, high-quality products that can’t be matched by any of our competitors; we provide specialty materials, rapid prototyping, and high-volume production for your orders. Uniflex specializes in custom urethanes, which we use to help customers design, develop, and manufacture everything under one roof. As a result, we can provide faster lead times while keeping costs low – without having to sacrifice quality.

Many of our previous customers can testify to the many useful traits that our urethane rods and bars have, which include the following:

  • Excellent resistance to corrosion
  • Excellent resistance to abrasion
  • Excellent resistance to chemicals
  • Excellent resistance to solvents
  • Excellent resistance to oil
  • Excellent resistance to oxidation
  • High resilience
  • High tensile strength
  • High durability
  • High versatility

Moreover, our team of experts always applies precision and speed to their production systems, so you can count on us to meet your expectations for volume and accuracy every time you order. No matter what your project is, you can be sure that we’ll add value to every product through our years of experience working with urethane products and our fantastic customer support. We’re also proud to share that our engineers are some of the best in the industry, which means that your products will always be in good hands.

Our company has specialized in various urethane applications since 1979 and has been a trusted supplier for a wide range of industries. With short lead times, high-quality products, rapid prototyping, as well as fast and free quotes, we’re the team to contact for all your urethane and polyurethane needs. If you have a custom molded urethane request, be sure to contact Uniflex at 248-486-6000 or request a quote online today.

Uniflex offers a wide range of urethane sheets, which you can cut to custom sizes and use for a variety of purposes. Urethane is an extremely durable material that can withstand heavy use and repeated impact. It is also deformation-resistant, making it ideal for high wear applications.

Our online store makes it easy to find the right sheet for your needs, and our fast shipping ensures that you will receive your order quickly. Buying online can save you time by allowing you to compare products and prices without having to wait on a quote.

What Is a Urethane Sheet?

A urethane sheet is a type of elastomeric or rubber-like material that exhibits high elasticity, strong abrasion resistance, and excellent tear resistance. It can provide a higher load-bearing capacity. It is also characterized by its low compression set, meaning urethane will retain its shape even after being subjected to repeated stress or strain. A urethane sheet is often used in applications where durability and flexibility are key so the custom molded parts can withstand both high impact and extreme temperatures.

How Are They Different from Polyurethane Sheets?

While the words urethane and polyurethane sheets are often used interchangeably, there is no difference between the physical properties. The only difference is in the name. Polyurethane sheets and urethane sheets are the same thing. They are made from thermosetting materials so they can’t be reshaped or heated up. However, a urethane or polyurethane sheet can be machined if needed. Both urethane and polyurethane products are one in the same and have a high resistance to abrasion and tearing.

Why Is It Easier to Buy Urethane Sheets Online?

Now that we’ve established some of the characteristics of urethane sheeting, like its high abrasion resistance and elasticity, here are a few reasons why buying it online can be the best option for you or your company:

Saves Time

When you buy urethane sheets online, you don’t have to wait on a quote or manufacturing lag. You can simply order the sheets from the comfort of your own home or office and have them delivered straight to your door.

Saves Effort

Not only does buying urethane sheets online save you time, but it also saves you effort. You don’t have to wait on quotes from multiple manufacturers to see who has the best price. Simply place an order and you’re done.

Receive Them Faster

When you order urethane sheets online, you can receive them faster than if you were to buy them from the average manufacturer. Most online stores keep a large stock of sheet forms on hand so they can ship sheets out much quicker.

Receive Your Urethane Sheets in Great Condition Without Having to Worry About Transport

Leaving it up to the professionals who know how to package and ship these types of products guarantees that you’ll receive your urethane sheets in excellent condition. You won’t have to worry about the sheets being damaged during the loading and unloading process.

Don’t Have a Vehicle? No Problem!

If you don’t have a vehicle able to haul multiple sheets, buying urethane sheets online is still an option, as many stores offer free shipping after a certain amount or have affordable fees. This means you can order the sheets without having to worry about how you’re going to get them where they need to be.

You Don’t Have to Worry About Setup Charges!

Having the sheets readily available in many sizes allows for fast, economical production. This is incredibly convenient if you’re looking to purchase is small order quantities. Most manufacturers will charge you more for setup than the actual sheet costs. When you buy online, you avoid this added cost.

What Has E-Commerce Brought to the World of Urethane Sheets?

E-commerce has made it easier than ever to buy urethane sheets, and here are the reasons why:

Easier to Transport

Urethane sheets are bulky and difficult to transport, but when you buy them online, you don’t have to worry about this as they’ll be delivered straight to your door.

Easier to Purchase

As you don’t have to request a quote and wait for a response to purchase urethane sheets. You can buy them from anywhere in the world, and that’s what e-commerce has brought to the table.

Easier to Browse Various Options

When you’re looking for urethane sheets, most manufacturers have limited the stock that they have on hand. However, when you’re searching for them online, you can easily find urethane sheets ready to ship.

Easier to See Which Urethane Sheets Are Best for You – Length/Size, Style, Color

With so many options available online, you can easily find the perfect urethane sheets of any standard durometers for your project without having to settle for something that’s not quite right. You have the luxury of being able to analyze different sizes and styles side by side.

Delivery Costs of Standard Cast Urethane Sheets

If you need your urethane sheets quickly, buying online can be a great option. Many online retailers offer free or low-cost shipping, which can save you time and money. When shopping for urethane sheets online, it’s important to compare prices and shipping costs before making a purchase. This will help you ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible.

Uniflex’s standard cast urethane sheets are available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. Shipping costs for our standard cast urethane sheets are based on the number of sheets you order, so you can easily calculate it in advance.

Don’t Waste Your Time, Get the Best Prices on Our Website

When it comes to urethane sheets, there’s no need to waste your time. You can find the best prices on Uniflex’s website, and we offer free or low-cost shipping depending on the size and weight of your order that other competitors can’t provide. Don’t wait any longer. Purchase your urethane sheets online today! Contact Uniflex by calling 248-486-6000 with any questions or visit our online shop to get started.